Who is Columbus

Who is Columbus
IMAGE SOURCE |-fineartamerica.com

Who is Columbus? What are they interests and works, Childhood, Family, Education and how he became a Founder of America?

Christopher Columbus was born in 1476 to wool weaver father in Genoa; Italy his name was Domenico, Colombo. The English speaking people have changed “Colombo” into Columbus. The boy Columbus had title schooling. He and his younger brother Bartholomew helped their father in wool-weaving.

Christopher Columbus is created to have discovered America and yet the country is called “America” after Amerigo Vespucci, a clever and bold Italian navigator who visited the northern coast of South America in 1499.

He wrote an account of his visit and it was widely circulated. It made people believe that he discovered the country. In, 1507 a German Geographer Martin Waldseemuller also concluded that he was the discover of the New World and Suggested that the country may be named America in his honour.

Founder of India, Asia

The Native Americans called Indians originally came from Asia many thousands of years ago during the Ice Age and settled there. Then the continent was connected with Asia. A land bridge connected Alaska with Asia.

These Indians were hunters and headers who followed a nomadic life. These settlers were not aware that they had entered a new continent. The first European to reach this continent was a Norseman named Lief Ericsson. He believed to have reached the shores of Labrador. His discovery remained unknown for centuries.

Christopher Columbus was another brave Italian who believed that India could be reached by sailing westwards. His exploration and voyage was sponsored by Kind Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. They were the joint rulers of Spain. They united different States of the country into one mighty State of Spain in 1492.

How Columbus reached to India? West Indies

They wanted to discover a sea-rout to India and China and so sponsored the exploration of Christopher Columbus. But he discovered the Americas instead a Sea-route to India. With this began a period of Spanish conquest and the Fall of Aztecs Maya and Incas. When Columbus reached a group of islands across the Atlantic, he named them the West Indies. They were actually the islands of the Caribbean. He made three more voyages to these islands but he hardly he knew that these were Americas.

Went to Portugal was Accidental Journey, and Love Life

Christopher Columbus grew into strong, sturdy and hardworking man and often went to sea with fishing fleets. Later he made a voyage to the North African coast. Thus, he learned seamanship and sailing and became an ambitious navigator and sailor.

Obliviously, he had taken to sea early and often made voyages in the Mediterranean. His landing in Portugal was accidental because of the loss of the ship in battle off the coast. He swam to shore and reached Lisbon. He married a local woman and worked as a chart maker but again took to sea.

He made extensive voyages and visited Iceland. At that time Portugal was a mighty seafaring nation. Many Genoese had proposed in Lisbon and Columbus saw his own chance to become a rich sea-captain. For this purpose he worked hard and learned Portuguese, Castilian and Latin languages.

Discovery of South Africa, King John II

He had one on from his wife Dona Felipa Persterblo. His father-in-law was an influential person. His high social status helped Columbus to see important officials. He determined to reach India and Asia by sailing west and for this purpose he applied for grants, ships and sailors to King John II of Portugal but the kind refused to support and finance him.

Therefore, he turned to the Spanish court where he found some very influential friends who helped him to approach the King and the Queen. Finally, he was successful in persuading Queen Isabella to support and finance his expedition. In the meanwhile Bartholomew Diaz had discovered the Cape of Good Hope at the southern end of Africa.                

Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, Truths behind Indians? Hispaniola

On August 03, 1492, Columbus set out on his expedition from the port of Palos with his small fleet of three ships manned Nina, Pinta, and And Santa Maria.  He also selected two Palos as captains to had the fleet under his overall command. Three days later he reached Canary Islands.

On September 9, 1492 he left the islands and after about two month’s voyage they sighted land. He had reached the Bahama Islands. He called the first land sighted as San Salvador. He landed there accompanied by his officers and crewman and carried the royal banners of Ferdinand and Isabella.     

He took possession of the islands in the name of his royal sovereigns. Believing that he had reached an island of the Indies he called native people as Indians. The Indians were friendly and cooperative. Columbus further sailed south to the north coast of Cuba and named this Island Juana. Then December 6, 1492 he reached Hispaniola.

Went to Barcelona, Explored Many Islands in 1493-1496 with huge Numbers of  Workers

On January 16, 1493 Columbus set out on his return journey and reached Palos March 15, 1493. In the court at Barcelona he was heartily welcomed by the royal sovereigns. They rose from their seats to welcome Columbus’ crowning glory.

He made his second voyage in 1493- 1496 with 1200 men, tools, seeds and animals to begin colon sing the islands. He explored the coasts of Jamaica, Cuba and Hispaniola. On his expedition during 1498-1500 he first sighted Trinidad and also explored some part of the northern shore of South America.

Columbus had succeeded mainly in his expeditions because of his strong will-power and single-minded conviction that India and Asia could be reached by sailing westward for a relatively short distance, but eventually he lost royal support and patronage because he failed to find a passage to Asia and the expected riches from the discovery failed to materialize.

Back to Spain and Death of Columbus

He returned to Spain broken in health and sprit and the royal couple refused to receive him at the court. His honors and privileges were also not restored. He died in 1506 on May 26; by that time other sea-captains took up his work, more willing than he accepts the New Found World on its own terms.