Category: Real Hero

Who Was Sir Isaac Newton

Who is Sir Isaac Newton? Sir Isaac Newton was an English Physicist, mathematician, scientific and a genius who brought about a scientific revolution in the seventeenth century. Newton is one of the most influential scientists who ever lived. One of his most important works was the law of gravity. Sir Isaac Newton was born on […]

Great Painter Rembrandt

Who is Rembrandt? Rembrandt was a Dutch painter and printmaker. He was of the greatest European painter of all times, who lived during the Dutch Golden Age. Rembrandt was most famous as a portraitist, specially remembered for his self-portraitists. He was also one of the greatest storytellers in the history of art. Rembrandt’s full name […]

Life of Venkata Raman

Who is Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman ? Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman, the renowned Indian physicist, popularly known as C.V. Raman, was born on 7th November, 1888 in Thiruvanaikkaval, Tamil Nadu. he was a brilliant and promising lad from the very beginning. He took keen interests in his books and learning and passed his Matriculation examination from Madras […]

Thoughts of Aristotle

Who is Aristotle? One of the greatest Greek philosophers, Aristotle is born in 384 BC in Stagira located the north-west coast of the Aegean Sea. His father was very learned and knowledgeable person. He was employed as a physician in the court of the king of Macedonia; Aristotle spent most of his boyhood days there. […]

Artist Pablo Picasso

Who is Pablo Picasso? Pablo Picasso was an expatriated Spanish painter, sculpture, printmaker and stage designer. He was one of the greatest and most prominent artists of the 20th century. He also created an art form known as “Cubism”. Pablo Picasso was born in Spain, in October 1881, to Jose Ruiz Blasco and Maria Picasso […]

Scientist Louis Pasteur

Who is Louis Pasteur? Louis Pasteur is born on December 27, 1822, in Dote, France. His father was a tanner. He never wanted his son to follow his footsteps because a tanner involved unremitting hard labour. Pasteur’s parents were honest, hard working and devout. Louis Pasteur is one of the greatest scientists. This French chemist […]

Who is Philo T Farnsworth

Father of Electronic TV Philo T. Farnsworth was the American inventor of the first- ever function electronic television. He was known as the ‘Father of Electronic TV’. He made many contributions to the early development to the early development of television and communication. Philo T. Farnsworth was born on August 19, 1906, in Beaver, Utah […]

Italian Artist Masaccio

The Italian Artist Masaccio Masaccio was an Italian painter. He was one of the most notable painters of the early Renaissance era. Sometimes, he is referred to as the ‘Father of the Renaissance’. He introduced art styles like the ‘Vanishing Point’ and ‘Linear Perspective’ and brought a three-dimensional effect in some of his paintings. Masaccio’s […]

Who Was Julius Caesar

Who is Julius Caesar, How He Established Roman Empire? How Julius Spreading Roman Empire in Atlantic Sea Julius Caesar, one of the greatest military geniuses, conquerors and politicians of the world, was patrician by origin. He has been of the few who were destined to change the course of the history and shape of destiny […]

Who is Nikola Tesla

Who is Nikola Tesla? Nikola Tesla is a Serbian-American engineer and physicist and one of the most significant inventors of all time. He become famous for inventing an induction motor that ran on inventing current (AC), which was later used in many devices like Radars X-rays and wireless communications. Tesla also conceived the rotating magnetic […]